




Parasite Protection for the Way Pets Live (Parasiticides)

The best parasiticide program for any pet depends on a variety of factors including the pet’s environment and activity level, regional parasite prevalence and risk of disease transmission. This presentation explores the issues for veterinarians to consider in determining the most suitable parasiticide recommendation for dogs and cats. Covering current research, CAPC and American Heartworm Society recommendations, and the characteristics of currently available products, Dr. Starkey examines all the issues to be evaluated in protecting every pet from parasites.

Tick Talk: A Live Feed on Tick Basics (Parasiticides)

RACE Approved 1 hour CE Course

Dr. Susan Little, DACVM (Parasit) and Dr. Rick Marrinson review the unique biology, behavior, and yes – personalities! – of important tick vectors in North America, describe how and when tick feeding leads to pathogen transmission, and share resources from CAPC that support veterinary teams in their efforts to educate clients about risk. How can we best explain the need for tick control to pet owners? Where are diseases like Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis most likely to show up next? Tune in to get an engaging and useful update on understanding, predicting, and combatting ticks and tick-borne infections.

Bugs and Diseases: What’s Trending in California (Parasiticides)

RACE-Approved 2 Hour Course

This course is designed to update veterinarians and technicians about the vectors and vector-borne diseases that are trending in California and those that can affect pets. The course will provide the participants with expert advice on the most effective prevention protocols currently available. To increase client compliance and usage, best practices and scientific-based recommendations that veterinarians and their teams can use to better educate and communicate the importance of vector-borne disease prevention will also be included.

Pets & People Against Mosquitoes (Parasiticides)

RACE-Approved 1 Hour CE Course

This presentation for veterinarians and veterinary technicians covers the topic of how human and veterinary medicine can work together to fight mosquito-borne disease. We’ll cover how veterinarians can no longer assume “foreign” diseases are something they do not have to worry about or be prepared to address along with bringing awareness of the increasing risk of mosquito-borne diseases to companion animals. We will re-visit key aspects of the heartworm life cycle and the importance of the intermediate host. Discuss updates regarding the heartworm vectors, mosquitoes. Review new findings regarding heartworm and vector resistance and encourage the use of an integrated-strategy to protect pets against heartworm infection.

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