What are the noise phobia incidence/prevalence rates?
Up to 50% of dogs may be afflicted with a noise phobia. However, only 16%2 of owners reported that they would actually seek advice for treatment for their dog from their veterinarian; this means that for every 3 cases seen in practice 17 cases may go unmentioned.
The most common noise phobias (listed in descending order) are: 1. fireworks, 2. thunderstorms, 3. vacuum cleaners, 4. loud voices, 5. engines, 6. door bangs, 7. party poppers and 8. bird scarers.
However, the first four account for >65% of cases.4
What is the average patient signalment?
Breed – Working group dogs, specifically herding group breeds and hounds.
Age – Typically doesn’t develop at less than 1 year of age. Dogs of all ages can be afflicted with noise phobias.
However, 78% of the cases presented in one study, were between 1 and 5 years.
Dogs that have not previously been exposed to noise at a young age, but that may have future exposure to noise may be at higher risk.
Sex – No sex predilection.
Are there any genetic or breed commonalities?
All breeds are susceptible to developing noise phobias. However, there appears to be a higher incidence among the working dog group, specifically herding breeds and hounds. It is suspected that there is a genetic component to this disease.
Dogs adopted from animal shelters also appear to have an increased risk of developing noise phobias.
2 July 2014, Burke Brand Equity Report, prepared for Ceva Animal Health 4 Sheppard G, Mills DS. Evaluation of dog appeasing pheromone (DAP) as a potential treatment for dogs fearful of fireworks. Veterinary Record, 2003; 152, 432-436