




You Need to Calm Down: how cooperative care can enhance your dermatology exam and diagnostics (Dermatology)

RACE-Approved 1 Hour CE Course

Dermatology exams can be stressful for the patient, pet owner and the veterinary staff. Patient stress not only makes an exam challenging but limits the veterinarian’s ability to correctly diagnose the patient’s condition. This course demonstrates how to incorporate calming techniques and products in a veterinary exam room setting. The calming techniques illustrated are intended to decrease stress for the patient and facilitate diagnostic sample collection. Veterinary technicians and veterinarians who complete the course will learn how lower stress for the patient can improve collection of samples for diagnostic testing including ear swabbing and skin cytology.

Tick Talk: A Live Feed on Tick Basics (Parasiticides)

RACE Approved 1 hour CE Course

Dr. Susan Little, DACVM (Parasit) and Dr. Rick Marrinson review the unique biology, behavior, and yes – personalities! – of important tick vectors in North America, describe how and when tick feeding leads to pathogen transmission, and share resources from CAPC that support veterinary teams in their efforts to educate clients about risk. How can we best explain the need for tick control to pet owners? Where are diseases like Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis most likely to show up next? Tune in to get an engaging and useful update on understanding, predicting, and combatting ticks and tick-borne infections.

This Patient Has a Murmur & Cannot Get a Cardiology Consultation! What Should I do? (Cardiology)

RACE Approved 1 hour CE Course

Join veterinary cardiologist, Dr. Simon Dennis, for a session in practical cardiology. This will provide you with key learnings and tips to enhance the care you provide your patients in your daily practice.

New Insights in Skin Barrier Science (Dermatology)

RACE-Approved 1 Hour CE Course

This lecture aims to provide a clinically relevant overview of recent advances in skin barrier science. It will include a discussion of the benefits of Ophytrium, an innovative ingredient included in topical formulations designed to address cutaneous disorder manifestations. The lecture will also present recent field studies that connect the science behind these formulations to clinical practice and patient outcomes. By attending this lecture, participants can expect to gain a better understanding of the latest breakthroughs in skin barrier science and their practical application in treating patients with cutaneous disorders.

Heart to heart client conversations – improving compliance in heart failure (Cardiology)

RACE-Approved 0.5 Hour Course

Clients struggle with not only the diagnosis but also the medication commitment associated with chronic diseases, such as congestive heart failure. We will explore several tools applicable to your every day clinical practice to help your clients take that leap from diagnosis to understanding to commitment. We will simplify the CHF message to aid in client compliance.

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