Course Overview
Stress in cats is associated with various neurohormonal changes that can have physiological effects that complicate the detection, monitoring and/or management of disease. However, stress can also have a direct impact on clinical disease too and there is increasing evidence of the role of stress as a causative or contributory factor in various diseases including feline idiopathic cystitis, infectious diseases, gastrointestinal disease and dermatological disease. While the role of stress may not always be obvious, consideration should be given to environmental modification where stress might be a contributory factor.
Dr. Andy Sparkes, BVetMed, PhD, DipECVIM, MANZCVS, MRCVS has worked as a feline-only vet since 1987 and trained as a specialist at the University of Bristol. He is a popular speaker and internationally recognized as one of only fourteen specialists in feline medicine working in the UK. Dr. Sparkes is a popular speaker both in the UK and internationally. He has published widely in international journals and in 2004 co-authored Self-Assessment Colour Review of Feline Medicine with Dr. Sarah Caney. Dr. Sparkes is the co-editor-in-chief and founding editor of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. In 2012, Dr. Sparkes joined the charity International Cat Care (ICC) as their Veterinary Director.