

Feline Communication

Much of the body language is the same between dogs and cats.

relaxed neutral

A relaxed neutral cat will have a relaxed body posture, alert gaze and ears at attention. This cat is aware of what is going on around her but is comfortable in the situation.


The “Halloween Cat” is also easy to recognize. Ears are back, back is arched with piloerection. Notice how the cat is turned sideways – to be able to run away easily and attempting to look bigger and more threatening.

avoiding confrontation

In this scenario, notice how the cat in the front of the picture has her ears back and the body is more compact. Her gaze is averted and she is getting ready to hide under the chair. The cat in the background however, is relaxed and at ease. Head is down, tail is tucked, ears are back, whites of eyes are visible.


This cat is ready for an aggressive interaction but is also showing signs of wanting to escape. Her ears are back, pupils are dilated and she is hissing. The body is leaning back, however her back legs are stable – she is ready to fight with her front paws if needed.